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Assault is when one person attempts to intentionally harm or injure another person or makes that person believe that he or she is about to be harmed or injured. A person who commits an assault is legally responsible for any harm or injuries from the assault.


Battery is when one person intentionally and harmfully touches another person without his or her consent or intentionally causes another person to be touched without his or her consent. A person who commits a battery is legally responsible for any harm or injuries from the battery


Defamation is a claim that a person, business, or corporation has made a defamatory statement. A defamatory statement is the term used to describe a statement of fact that is false and harms the reputation of a person or business. The defamatory statement must have been made to someone other than the plaintiff.

There are two types of defamation claims. Slander is when the defamatory statement is verbal, and libel is when the defamatory statement is written.

False Arrest

False arrest is when one person intentionally causes another person to be unlawfully arrested.

False Imprisonment

False imprisonment is when one person holds or imprisons another person unlawfully or when one person causes another person or party to do so.


Fraud is when a person, business, or corporation intentionally makes a false statement; the statement concerns an important or material fact; the person, business, or corporation knows or reasonably should know that the statement is false; the person, business, or corporation intends that the person, business, or corporation to whom/which the statement is made will reasonably act upon the statement; the person, business, or corporation to whom/which the statement is made does not know that the statement is false; the person, business, or corporation to whom/which the statement is made relies on the statement; the person, business, or corporation to whom/which the statement is made has a right to rely on the statement; and the person, business, or corporation to whom/which the statement is made suffers damages as a result of his/her/its reliance on the statement.

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

Intentional infliction of emotional distress is when a person, business, or corporation intentionally acts in an extreme and outrageous way and causes someone to have emotional distress.

Invasion Of Privacy

An invasion of privacy occurs when someone intentionally intrudes on a person’s right to privacy or seclusion. An invasion of privacy occurs when someone intentionally uses a person’s likeness or photograph for business purposes without his or her permission. An invasion of privacy occurs when someone intentionally and publicly discloses private information about a person without his or her permission. An invasion of privacy occurs when someone intentionally and publicly places or represents a person in a false light or way. The invasion of privacy must cause a person to be embarrassed or disgraced, to feel harassed, to lose his or her job, to lose friends, or to be in physical danger.

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